Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ducks, Fucks, But no Andrew Lucks

The 2015 Rose bowl will be producing one half of the championship teams. Oregon and Florida State are battling it out to see who will become victorious. Let's start with FSU--Lameis Winston, I'm talking about you. I have a few requirements that I deem necessary to be a proper human being. 1) Don't be an Asshole. It's literally that simple, yet so frequently forgotten. 2) Control yourself. Everyone gets overly emotional or passionate, but know when you cross the line into Asshole territory. Refer to rule number 1. These are two rules for life that should be pretty easy to follow.

I promise this relates to football. Florida State has had issues with Winston pretty much since the first day he stepped onto campus. Why? Because he hasn't learned those two key rules for life. Everything from rape charges--sorry, alleged rape charges--to screaming "Fuck her right in the pussy". Ok so the latter one was already a meme circling the internet, but was it necessary to get on a table and scream it to the whole union? I'd say that's a pretty big violation of rule 2. Owing to these incidents, along with a slew of other unmentioned ones, the school gave him a "handler". You're 20-years-old, you jackass. You should be able to "handle" your own shit at this point. If this were any other random kid at the school, he wouldn't have been given a goddamn guard to watch his moves. No, he would've been suspended at the very minimum. His behavior has been enabled for far too long and for that I blame the parents, as well as the athletics department, but I mostly blame him. Rules 1 and 2 have been broken. Seriously, just don't be an asshole. Literally for this reason alone, I want Oregon to absolutely annihilate them.

Oregon is one of those teams that I'll occasionally root for. I really have no particular ties to them, other than OSU beat them in the 2010 Rose Bowl. They played with class and I have yet to find anything glaringly obvious that I dislike. Ok, so they did beat the Spartans earlier this year, but that was more MSU falling apart than Oregon really winning. I gotta hand it to you, Ducks, I'm impressed that you haven't done anything to piss off the media lately. Yeah, there were recruiting scandals at your school last year, but let's be honest. Every single team in the NCAA has had some type of recruiting violation in their history. I'll even admit that both the Bucks and the Spartans have had it at their respective schools. They may not have been thrust into the limelight, but it happens there, too. For all intents and purposes, I think that Oregon has done a pretty good job of following the two rules of life. Beat those damn Seminoles into the ground!

Sidebar--whenever I see Oregon play I think of the childhood game, Oregon Trail. It was nearly impossible to win because everyone either starved, ate bad plants or died of Dysentery. Oregon, please for the love of football, do not die of dysentery!

Playoff Predelication

The BCS is no more. Kaput. Donezo. The FBS has been implemented as a way to truly determine the best football team for the season. No more seemingly arbitrary championship game bullcrap. This system isn't perfect and I don't think any one could be, but it's a major improvement over the old BCS crap. 2014 is the inaugural year with the following four teams as the playoff participants: Oregon, Florida State, Ohio State and Alabama. Oregon and FSU are playing in the Rose Bowl, while OSU and 'Bama will vie for a spot in the Championship in the Sugar Bowl. Both games will be played New Years Day. The Winner of each game will then play for the inaugural FBS Championship title.

As an avid Ohio State fan, I will be rooting for the Buckeyes. Regardless of this, I will always cheer for whichever team that plays an SEC team. My opinions on the SEC are very well-known amongst my friends, but I will save that topic for its own post. I recently saw this picture about how the US , by county, thinks the Championship with unfold. Red counties are for Alabama, Gray are OSU, Green are Oregon and Yellow is FSU. Naturally, the majority of the country believes that 'Bama will win. 

Of course I do not agree, but to each his own. OSU reps the entire state of Ohio, part of Michigan and a variety of counties throughout the country. Oregon, Washington and much of the west believes that the Ducks will win, while Florida and a few random counties think that Florida State will win. So there you have it, folks, the country's predictions on the first ever NCAA Championship playoff winner.

Naturally, my predilection revolves around the Buckeyes. This season has brought about many injuries, yet the team has shown remarkable resilience. Braxton Miller, touted as a potential Heisman winner, threw out his shoulder during pre-season practice. According to some, it was his 666th throw. Call it whatever you like, but that just seems like some bad juju. The backup, JT Barrett, was expected to have a decent, but not a dazzling Braxton season. As a redshirt freshman, he'd seen Miller play and had a handle on the OSU line, but nobody expected him to play the way he did. In fact, he crushed both Miller's and Pryor's freshman records. He truly just played out of his shorts....until the Michigan game. Unfortunately at that point, he broke his ankle and HIS Heisman hopes were shattered. As Buckeye fans mourned our playoff loss as we felt we'd reached the bottom of our bag in terms of QBs, Cardale Jones killed it. He broke football. In the Big 10 Championship game, Ohio State came out and cremated Wisconsin. This game was supposed to determine the best team in the conference, but boy did Wisconsin leave their team at home. I actually think they called all of the players' grandmas and had them play instead. Our 3rd string QB, as well as the rest of the team, just absolutely destroyed the Badgers that day, resulting in a complete shutout. 59-0. That incredible win was just icing on the cake for OSU, as the speculations started flying as to who we would play in the playoff.

Sorry, TCU, but you guys aren't good, don't have any strength of schedule and really shouldn't have even been considered for it. Like who did you guys play? Oh right... Iowa State. I mean I'm sure those are fun games to watch, but you might as well quote Gordon Gee on this one, "We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor. We play very fine schools on any given day." So there you have it, Gee coming through on a clutch old quote to keep the true best in the best bowls.

So tomorrow marks the day that we can show our true colors and paint our faces scarlet and gray. I have an inkling that this is going to be a tough game. I mean, no shit guys. Alabama and OSU are touted as some of the premiere teams in the country. My feelings on this game are pretty obvious, but I'm ready for some good ol' fashioned football. Regardless of the outcome, this will be one of the best games of the year.  I've got my 30 rack in the fridge and the wings are ready to be consumed. Bring it, 'Bama, I'm ready to see your team come out ready to win. I'm sick of hearing this "SEC is so much better than the Big 10" crap. Hold onto your panties, boys, because the Buckeyes are coming to town.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Ingredients of a Sports Blog

I've always felt like there must be some reason to start a blog. Sure, someone may love a particular activity--crafting, home improvement, parenting--but there has to be a spark; some type of desire to start a new endeavor in the world of online writing. This is where my story begins.

My name is Becca. I'm a 23-year-old female and a native of the great city of Chicago. For as long as I can remember, I've loved sports more than most people I knew. I played practically any sport available to young children, but I really focused on 4 sports. I started swimming at the age of 7 and shortly thereafter joined a competitive swimming program. Softball quickly followed. With no fear of being hit in the face of the ball, I stepped into the main catcher position. Gymnastics had been a constant in my life since the age of 5, but owing to so many injuries, I was forced to quit by age 13. My ability to flip and twist through the air lead me to a varsity diving career as I entered high school. Of course these sports are seemingly typical for the average, athletic girl. However, I stood out amongst my peers in that I spent my days at practice and my nights glued to ESPN.

My love for sports has never diminished. In fact, one of my requirements in the college selection process was that the football program be incredibly strong. Thus, I ended up at Ohio State University. Say all you want, but the school has an impeccable record throughout the years. I grew up a Michigan State fan, as both of my parents attended the school. When it came down to it, though, OSU was my top academic choice. As an alumni, I've had my ups and downs, but my allegiance shall never falter. It may come across as incredibly odd to most people, but I am equal parts Spartan and Buckeye fan. You may be wondering how two Big 10 teams can be my favorite, but that is for a later date. It causes a lot of weird looks, but I'm true to my teams.

As a Chicagoan, I'm the obvious Bears/Blackhawks/Bulls fan. Seeing how we have two baseball teams, I am a South Sider through and through. I've stood by my White Sox from the tough years to the World Series Championship back to the under .500 seasons.

At this point, you may be wondering, "Why the hell is this girl writing this blog? Obviously she's a sports fan, but so are a lot of people." Well, it's quite simple. It really comprises of just two reasons. I'm a very opinionated, passionate fan and I love to write. That's it. Love it or hate it, I am who I am. So what If I'm a girl?